The Browhaus Ombre Brows Embroidery Service – To Do Or Not To Do?

By Adele Chan
Ever heard the saying: change your eyebrows, change your luck? It could be more than just superstition; because when you look different, people will react to you differently as well. This past week, Browhaus launched two new Brow Resurrection treatments — Full and Ombre, and since it’s been a year that I’ve done anything to my brows, I signed up for one of these.


Brow Resurrection is the fancy name of Browhaus’ brow embroidery service. And brow embroidery is like….getting a tattoo. A blade of tiny needles (don’t worry, disposable ones) implant pigment just beneath the surface of the skin, and the result looks like real hair.
The brow lady technician slathers on numbing cream so all you feel are tugs. But…as time passes, so do the effects of the painkilling cream, so I did what anyone should do: ask her to stop and put more of the good stuff. If you opt for the Ombre service, the technician will “dot” the ends of your brows to create the gradient effect. The dotting is annoying; it feels like a small dull tip poking at you constantly. It almost got painful at one point (pun intended), so I actually did tell her to stop and add more cream. The real pain begins when you get home and the numbing cream wears off. Your brows will start to sting like paper cuts. But it’s ok. We’re women! And we women can handle pain!
OMG my brows are so full…. I’m not used to them! They look weird when I’m not wearing my eye makeup, but I know that the first few days after the treatment, brows will look a lot darker than what it’s meant to be. On the plus side, the technician managed to balance out my uneven brows (one was shorter and higher than the other), and she was amazed that I lived with uneven brows for a year! My other half says my new brows make me look “compassionate”. Um, I guess that means less fierce?
The service starts from $1,800. It’s a huge investment for brows; for brows that will last up to 18 months. If you’re wiling to fork out that much dough, be sure that you want to do this. Be sure of your brow shape after the technician draws them on, and don’t be scared. It’s only a little painful.
Brow Resurrection Full retails at $1,800 for 120 min (price includes GST). Inclusive of 3 touch-ups.
Brow Resurrection Ombre retails at $2,000 for 120 min (price includes GST). Inclusive of 2 touch-ups.
Available at Browhaus.
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