Why You Need a Shot of Oxygen to Breathe Life Into Your Complexion

In recent years, the buzz around oxygen facials seems to be getting louder, with droves of glow-getting beauty junkies heading to Porcelain Spa to give the OxyRevive Facial a try. But hey, if host and radio DJ Rozz Lee swears by this, then we’re pretty much sold, right? Nope, we’re going to delve a little deeper into the science behind oxygenating facials to find out what it does for our complexion and if our skin even needs the added O2.
Well, you know how burn victims are put in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber (not that many of you are familiar with being caught on fire), or when oxygen is administered when you’re suffering from a brain injury (again, not applicable to most of you)? There’s a reason for that. Oxygen stimulates your body’s natural healing function – it’s anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and it boosts collagen production. After an oxygen treatment is performed, you’ll notice a visible lift in dewiness, and your epidermis will be much calmer and happier after it as well.
At this point, however, you’re probably wondering, “Isn’t there enough oxygen in the air for our skin already?” Here’s the unfortunate news: the air that surrounds us is compromised thanks to pollution, so you won’t be able to find the same oxygen in the air that passes through our lungs. If you’re looking to breathe a little life into your complexion, though, you don’t need to head down to a spa for that. Here, we’ve charted the best oxygenating beauty products you can use at the comfort of your own home.

philosophy microdelivery
Philosophy’s The Microdelivery Detoxifying Oxygen Peel

Philosophy’s upcoming Oxygen Peel is not as intense as it sounds. Yes, the word “peel” terrifies me too, but think of it as a standard mask, except this mask has two steps to it. The first step is infused with activated charcoal that helps to draw out impurities and prep the skin for the next step to brighten and re-oxygenate. You don’t have to remove Step I – simply apply Step II on top of it and leave the combination on for 3 minutes before removal. I tried it out on the back of my hand and it had an instant brightening effect, I kid you not.
$89 for both tubes, available from August at Sephora. 
caolion bubble mask
Caolion Premium Blackhead O2 Bubble Pore Pack

With the advent of bubbling Korean face masks, surely you’ve heard of and dabbled in a few of them yourself. Well this famous one by Caolion has a delicate formula tha’s suitable for sensitive skin. Similar to Philosophy’s, it contains charcoal powder to sop up the gunk and utilises micro-oxygen bubbles to clean out your pores gently, getting rid of those dead skin cells while infusing your skin with some much-needed moisture.
$39, available from Sephora.
kate somerville dermalquench
Kate Somerville DermalQuench Liquid Lift Advanced Wrinkle Treatment

Since we can’t try out Kate Somerville’s most saught-after facial treatment here in Singapore, this bottled version makes the perfect stand-in. This potent formula contain line-smoothing perfluorocarbons (PFCs), oxygen, hyaluronic acid, and botanically-derived antioxidants to lock in the moisture, softening your skin dramatically and boosting that glow to reveal a more youthful complexion. To use, just shake the bottle well and spritz stripes onto your face. Massage the product in before following up with rest of your skincare and makeup, no need to rinse this one off.
$153, available from Sephora
peter thomas roth oxygen
Peter Thomas Roth Brightening Bubbling Mask

Peter Thomas Roth’s offering combines chemical and botanical brighteners – bearberry, mulberry, licorice, and vitamin C – to help even out the skin tone, as well as reduce the appearance of pigmentation (no thanks to the blazing sun). It also contains Fiflow, which assists with skin oxygenation to plump up skin cells and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles to give you a more refined visage and a rosier hue to an otherwise lacklustre complexion.
$110, available from Sephora.
sephora bubble mask
Sephora Bubble Mask Detoxifying & Oxygenating 

If you’re really tight on cash and you need to revive your dull complexion in a pinch, then head over to Sephora and do your skin a favour by picking up this bubbling face mask. Its soothing texture goes from gel to foam when it comes into contact with your skin, absorbing impurities and traces of pollution with its oxygenating white tea extract.
$26, available from Sephora.