Your Moisturiser Won't Work Without This Essential Skincare Step

For the skincare sloths minimalists, toners are often dismissed as an unnecessary step in a beauty regimen. After all, how much good can an extra layer of liquid do for our skin anyway? Well, here’s a bit of a newsflash: it’ll radically transform your complexion. Yeah, we’re not kidding. Today, toners are a far cry from their alcohol-laden predecessors, upping their benefits by functioning more like skin tonics and treatments. Here are the toner benefits we simply needed to belt out from the rooftops – because sharing is caring, right?
The skin acts like a sponge
You probably already know that a toner is essential to prepping the skin for hydration, but here’s why it is. When your skin is dry, it behaves like a dry sponge. If you place a dollop of lotion or cream onto the surface of a dry sponge, it’s going to take aeons before a small amount gets absorbed. A damp sponge, however, will absorb liquids and creams that much faster. That’s what a toner does. It allows your moisturiser to penetrate way deeper into the layers of your skin. Without the use of a toner, your moisturiser will be rendered useless.
It balances pH levels
Now, this isn’t new to us. In fact, it’s what the basic toner was formulated to do in the first place. On a pH scale, our natural state lies somewhere between 4 and 5. Even with the advanced water-soluble cleansers on the market that promise not to compromise our skin’s barrier, a lot of them are still highly alkaline, raising our skin’s pH to an 8 or a 9 after cleansing. In case you didn’t know, an alkaline skin barrier is one that can’t defend itself against external aggressors, making it an easier target for bacteria and pollutants. That’s where a toner comes in to bring your skin back down to a more suitable pH level and balance it out. Absolutely crucial for clearer skin.
It feeds the skin so much more
After cleansing, your skin will most likely be left in a pretty fragile state. A liquid toner will help quench that thirst by delivering a shot of nourishing actives, antioxidants, and floral waters in a swipe, so your skin will stay hydrated for longer without the need for a heavier moisturiser. And surely, we’d all prefer a lighter dose of moisture in this blazing heat, right?
Look for toners that are soothing and pH-balancing. For those with sensitive skin, calming ingredients like rosewater or chamomile are good keywords to look into, as well as natural plant-based ones. If, like me, you’re especially cautious of ingredient labels, then give the Paula’s Choice Resist Weightless Advanced Repairing Toner a go. It’s one I’ve stuck to for the past year and it’s made my skin a whole lot calmer and happier.
Fresh’s Rose Deep Hydration Facial Toner (I mean, just look at those gorgeous rose petals) and Mario Badescu’s Aloe Vera Toner are good ones to start with too. Trust us, your skin will be much more hydrated, look more even in tone, and you’ll break out far less often if you start using a toner.
Main image: @freshbeauty