Why Wasn’t this Star Wars Landspeeder Around When We Were Kids?

Kids these days have it good. Real good. Young ones born in recent years will never know the frustration of not being able to use the Internet and your landline at the same time, while screens are immediately being ‘swiped’; a reflex action brought upon by a generation of smartphones.
And yes, toys are becoming super advanced too. One good example: Radio Flyer’s brand new Landspeeder that’ll let little tots zip around like how Luke Skywalker did on his X-34 in Star Wars: A New Hope.

This teeny bit of awesome comes with everything that you’d expect a legit Landspeeder to have. It’s got colour-coded dials, a little stick shift that moves up and down, and even “scrapes” and “faded paint” on its bumper to show that it’s been through a bit of action. The only thing is that it just doesn’t hover.

Still, you’d pretty much want to stuff your adult butt in this. That’s the only real issue with this Landspeeder though, because you can’t. This cute device carries a maximum weight of 58kg and is built for a maximum of two kids – toddler-sized, mind you – and an adult would probably crush it to the point of no return.

Yep, this toy came twenty years too late in our books. If you want to score it as a gift for your kiddo, do be warned; it’s going to be very pricey.
Right now, the Landspeeder is available for pre-order at the T oys “R” Us’ website for a mind-boggling price of US$499. Get it however, and you’ll either have many memorable Star Wars-filled afternoons to come, or for the childless, a long time staring at it in your living room.
For more information, visit landspeeder.radioflyer.com.
All images taken from Radio Flyer.