You’d Want To Stare At These Instagram-Worthy Fire & Ice Nails All The Time

Remember those shattered glass nails and eyeliner that broke Instagram? The trick to nailing them (hur) has been debunked many times over — and you really have to do is get your hands on some iridescent material; be it foil, cellophane, CD flakes… anything that can look ‘shattered’ and has a holographic reflect. Long story short, you’ll need to have your prismatic tools cut into pieces before sealing them in.

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These fire and ice nails though, are the exact opposite of the ‘shattered’ series. You’ll need to have your holo foil to be in one piece — so something malleable and can easily wrap around the contours of your nails will work best. The manicure art may look complicated, but that can’t be further from the truth.

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The trick lies in the pattern of the foil chosen — a good example will be these foils pack from, as well as the type of polish that’s used to seal it in. Layering different warm colours together will help create the ‘flame’ effect, so that part might require some skill and finesse when executing. From the looks of it, creating that falls along the same lines of the marbling technique, a beginner’s nail art skill to pick up. You can place the foil on the entire nail, or just part of it, depending on your personal preference.
And that’s really all the elbow grease needed to perfect the base. The rest of the manicure lies in the design — and you get to go wild and have your tips adorned with glitter and crystals. At this point in time, more is more, so by all means… knock yourselves out.
Difficulty Level: 3.5/5
Header Image: @thenailboss IG