Inside the Creative World of a Graphic Designer

Psychedelic warfare. That’s what it feels like looking at Sebastien Feraut’s illustrations. Big, bold colours are splashed out on a canvas cluttered with all sorts of shapes, motifs, and sometimes…body parts, like eyes or jagged teeth. But while this sounds like a hellish mishmash of gory art, the truth is quite the opposite.


In fact, the talented Paris-based graphic designer, who’s given himself the somewhat curious moniker of Niark1, is all about exploring the “crazy” side of life through his vivid drawings that are inspired by graphic fanzines, punk music posters, and pop surrealism.
Here are some highlights of his work:







Having previously worked with brands such as Converse and personalities like Pharrell Williams, Niark1 recently lent his talents to stroller company Bugaboo, which unveiled its limited edition “Monsters on the Move” collection back in April, featuring its Bee, Donkey, and Buffalo strollers emblazoned with quirky monster drawings.
Feraut’s stroller collab with Bugaboo:



Here, we speak with Feraut to find out what makes him tick:
1. What’s daily life like for Niark1?
Well, nothing really crazy. I wake up in the morning, eat breakfast with my kid and bring him to school. Do morning things. Then check my emails and work a bit on my computer. Make some drawings and sketches. And when I’m not too much busy on projects for clients and digital work, I go to my atelier/studio in Paris to paint. Of course, I need to listen a lot of music during the day!
2. When did you realise that art was your true calling?
Actually, I didn’t really realise anything. It was something totally natural for me.
I never really asked what I was going to do later [in life]. It was already established since I was young. I don’t know what else I could have done.
3. How do you get inspiration?
I get inspiration from everywhere. Music is very inspiring to me. Otherwise, I try to see a lot of exhibitions in galleries, museums, etc… I also buy a lot of magazines and books about art and graphics.
4. Tell us about your designs for Bugaboo.
Well, the idea was to make something funny and a bit crazy. And because I like to create monsters, I made a kind of hybrid creatures that weren’t really frightening.
I’ve liked monsters since I was a kid, so it was obvious for me to make these kinds of characters for the strollers.
5. What’s next for Niark1?
A lot of projects!
To check out more of Niark1’s work, visit For more information on Bugaboo’s “Monsters on the Move” collection, visit
Images taken from Niark1 and Bugaboo