The Magic Of A Triangular Makeup Brush

We’re huge suckers for fancy makeup brushes, as can be seen from our posts on things like Game of Thrones brushes, Mean Girls brushes, and these mermaid tail brushes. For fanciful makeup implements like these, we often throw practicality and functionality out the window – who cares if they don’t blend that well, as long as they’re photogenic, we want them.
Today, we’re going to be a bit more practical, and not just focusing on the aesthetics. We recently discovered triangular makeup brushes, by way of Sigma Beauty’s new launches, the F87 Edge Kabuki and 4DHD Kabuki.
For the F87 Edge, the flat triangular surface helps with applying and blending setting powders, and stamping the edges of your highlighter and contour to blend out the edges; the 4DHD Kabuki is made for concealer application, with a soft triangular dome that helps with diffusing product over blemishes.
The magic of triangular brushes lies in their more compact surface area that enables more precise application, while the multiple edges have the harder-to-reach parts of the face covered.
Triangular brushes seem to be a relatively new trend, so far with only Real Techniques carrying anything similar. We’re hoping more brands get on this, and we start investing more in brushes that are more function over form. Though it really is quite hard to say no to unicorn brushes.
Sigma Beauty F87 Edge Kabuki  and 4DHD Kabuki, US$25 each. Available on from 22 August 2017.