LG’s Newest Air Purifier is Every Dust Particle’s Worst Enemy

If you don’t count the haze formed by burning Indonesian fires, the air quality in Singapore is actually pretty decent, and that’s something we’re grateful for. Still, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with purifying your breathing air AT HOME as much as possible, because at the end of the day, it’s your lungs taking all the hits.
For that, LG has the SIGNATURE Air Purifier, which is one of the most advanced air purifiers in the market, despite its dreadfully un-innovative name.

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Basically, how the SIGNATURE Air Purifier works is that it uses water to filter out the chemicals and contaminants we don’t want breathing in. It also brings humidity to comfortable levels, which is a lifesaver in hot and humid Singapore. Oh, and it can also eject 18 litres of water an hour to wash inhaled air.
But that’s not all. This slick air-cleaning gadget has a function that lets users see the air purification process, which would obviously be impossible with the naked eye, since we’re talking about super-fine dust particles over here.

If anything, watching that dust getting sucked out of the air would give you further peace of mind as to how clean your home’s air now is.
This device may not be as cute as Elodie the Unicorn Diffuser (another of our favourite tech gadgets), but it’s certainly THE ultimate air purifier to own.
It’s not going to come cheap though. The SIGNATURE Air Purifier will cost $2,000 once it’s released later this June. But with a 10-year lifespan and the promise of cleaner air, that’s quite a steal really
For more information, visit www.lg.com/sg.
All images taken from LG.