Why Rosehip Oil Is Your Best Weapon Against Acne Scars

Kate Middleton, Miranda Kerr, and David Gandy. What do all three of them have in common apart from being incredibly attractive white people who roam the Earth? Their love for rosehip oil, of course.
In recent beauty news, Trilogy’s Rosehip Oil grabbed headlines for being Kate Middleton’s secret to glowing skin, and apparently, it’s something she reaches for during her days of pregnancy too. It’s known for its major skincare benefits, so we can totally see why the Duchess of Cambridge would be all over this complexion-saving facial oil.
Having chanced upon that tidbit, I decided to crack open my own bottle that’s been patiently waiting its turn on the beauty trial shelf. Since my skin was hit by a major wave of hormonal acne, it seemed like the most appropriate time to put Trilogy’s Rosehip Oil to the test.
By Jade Yeo

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When I smoothed the vivid golden oil on my face for the first time, it left a nice sheen and the oil sinked in relatively quickly. It doesn’t feel quite as thick as the MV Organics Rose Plus Booster (which I am almost out of but won’t repurchase because… where my money at?) too, leaning closer to a dry oil because of the higher linoleic acid to oleic acid ratio. There’s a pleasant earthy smell to it that’s unlike any other plant oil, but if its scent puts you off, don’t worry – it dissipates within mere seconds.
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This has been my daily approach: 2 to 3 drops mixed in with my daytime moisturiser, and 4 to 5 drops on its own at night right after I’ve cleansed and toned my skin. I keep the bottle in a cool (it’s kinda impossible in this weather, I know, but cool-ish?), dark place to prevent it from getting rancid too quickly.
spongebob two weeks later

Yes, applying a facial oil to an oily, acne-prone complexion sounds counterintuitive (in fact, I was pretty worried it might make me break out even more), but I’ve learned that it’s the best thing you can do to boost your skin’s ability to heal. Within two weeks, there was a pretty drastic change in texture and tone – my skin was softer to the touch and visibly brighter. The obvious red patches seemed to have calmed down too, so now I don’t have to apply as much foundation to those areas as I normally would, and that’s not even the best part.
Can I just say… that it has taken years – nay, aeons, just to watch a minuscule dot of acne scar fade ever so slightly, yet this oil has helped lighten every scar on the left side of my face in two weeks. They’re not entirely gone at this point, but if I keep this up, they might just disappear one day. Fingers crossed, guys. Rosehip oil is rich in both vitamin C and retinoic acid, a form of vitamin A, which would explain why it’s been so beneficial for my turbulent skin.
Since I employ the aid of a salicylic acid treatment when I’m dealing with breakouts, my skin can become dehydrated and even flaky at times, so this oil is perfect to counteract that issue. It doesn’t just give the skin a much-needed shot of hydration with its natural fatty acids, it also soothes redness, reduces unsightly scarring, and evens out overall skin tone. Not to mention, Miranda Kerr swears by rosehip oil for stretch mark prevention, however I don’t intend to have any children, so you’re just gonna have to trust her. (Though if I do get knocked up in the near future, this review will be updated. You have my word.)
And look what we have, another glowing review. I mean, rosehip oil doesn’t make me look like Kate Middleton or Miranda Kerr (or David Gandy?), but it is truly some kind of a miracle ingredient. Oh, and in case you need a final push, know that one bottle is sold every 22 seconds around the world. Yup, it’s that impressive.
Trilogy Rosehip Oil, $42. Available at Watsons and zalora.sg.