Lenovo’s Making a Foldable Tablet That Doubles Up as a Smartphone

When it comes to making crazy gadgets, few companies out there beat Lenovo.
Case in point: the Chinese tech company is currently in the process of developing a new foldable tablet that also functions as a smartphone, as unveiled at its annual Tech World event last week.

Called the “Folio”, this Android device starts off as a regular tablet, but when folded, it flattens into a 5.5-inch smartphone. It seems like a pretty neat concept, especially for folks who’d prefer to just carry around one item only instead of both a tablet and smartphone.

But that’s all the Folio is at the moment; just a concept – there’s no guarantee that Lenovo will release this as a legit consumer product. But if that does happen, customers can expect the gadget to have specs like a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 1920 x 1,440 resolution, and Android 7.0 Nougat.
To be honest, it does look a little clunky when folded, as can be seen from a video uploaded by YouTube user
Kim Poh Liaw:

Also, this isn’t the first time a foldable device has been mooted by major companies. Samsung has in the past filed a patent for a foldable smartphone, while OPPO has been developing the same technology for the past few years as well.
One thing is for certain though: if the Folio becomes a reality, it might just save plenty of people a lot of money in the long run.
For more information, visit www3.lenovo.com/sg.
All images taken from Lenovo.