Place Your Face on a Suitcase, and Never Lose it Again

We all know the joys of travelling: learning new cultures, immersing yourself in unknown streets, and hanging out with the locals. Losing your suitcase is not one of those joys, especially when you’re all ready and raring to go after touching down in the airport. You cannot ask for a worst possible start to a vacation.
Thankfully, there’s a handy solution waiting to be utilised out there and it involves nothing but your gorgeous mug. Think it sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn’t. Courtesy of Firebox – a London-based online retailer that sells all sorts of crazy gadgets, you can now customise your suitcase with a picture of your face.


We know, we know. It looks absolutely ridiculous, not to mention a tad bit horrifying, but just think of the possibilities. One, you’ll never lose your suitcase again, and two, you’ll never freaking lose your suitcase again. Now how magical is that? Nobody would take a similar-looking bag by accident now (unless they’re reaaally not that bright).
How it works is that you snap a high-res image of yourself, or whomever you want, and send it over to Firebox. They’ll print the image on a double-sized polyester and spandex blend material that’ll be nicely fitted over your baggage, and you can make it as friendly (or scary) as you want when you pose for a picture.
It’s definitely a fun way to make your personal belongings easily recognisable, and the fact that it’s pretty affordable too – the price of each case ranges from £19.99 to £29.99, makes them quite a steal. We just think those handle pockets can be a little more, well, how should we put it…PG?

Score your case today via
For more information, visit
Images: Firebox