
We Tried SK-II's #FaceTheWild Challenge And The Results Were… Surprising

By now, you should be well-acquainted with SK-II and their latest campaign and film series, which puts some usually flawless and very famous people to the test, by having them hike up active volcanoes, or trek through scorching desert conditions, and then head straight to an on-site photoshoot after. They’re armed with a bottle of SK-II’s just-as-famous Facial Treatment Essence though, because the brand’s that confident that their product will make a difference. The audacity!

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Chiara Ferragni at the Anza Borrego Desert ; Lee Siyoung at the Ijen Stratavolcano in Java, Indonesia

Still, the very bold ‘Face The Wild, Face The Camera’ campaign is a fun one to get behind. Produced together with National Geographic, we’ve already seen fashion icon Chiara Ferragni looking fresh despite having her skin being subjected to the harsh and dry conditions of the Anza Borrego Desert in the USA, and Korean actress Lee Siyoung taking on the challenge by being in the extremely polluted environment of sulfur dioxide atop the Ijen Stratavolcano in Java, Indonesia. No mean feats, and yet, they still look gorgeous and glowy after.
And then, it was our turn to “face the wild” — which for us meant planting ourselves in the middle of a ripe forest or mountain, and more exercise than we’ve done in an entire year. Were we daunted? Yes. Were we curious though? Certainly. SK-II’s Facial Treatment Essence is supposed to refresh our skin with instant hydration, a calming effect, and even a visible glow once it goes on our faces, and we were determined to find out if any of the long-held claims are true. Here’s how it went.

Who: Tami Lai, Associate Editor
Where: Mount Batur, Bali + Borobodur Temple, Yogyakarta

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“My 8-day trip to Yogyakarta and Bali came at a time when my skin was not in a great place. For a couple of weeks prior, my face felt greasier than usual, my pores more stubbornly enlarged than usual, and all my makeup just didn’t seem to be sitting right. So starting on a new skincare product (yes, unbelievably, the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence is new to me) in a place where I would be exposing my skin to the harsh sun for prolonged durations, sans my usual face of makeup, filled me with quite a bit of trepidation.”
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“Thankfully, the Facial Treatment Essence felt good from the moment I patted it on, both in the day and night — I could sense a slight tightening effect which was soothing for my pores; yet, the silky texture of the product left my skin feeling plump and hydrated overall. Over the trip, I hiked two peaks, went cave tubing and white water rafting, and spent hours under the unrelenting Indonesian sun exploring ancient temples, street stores, and beaches; many days, I was running on under 5 hours of sleep, after setting out in the wee hours of the night to be in time to catch the sunrise. That’s putting my skin through a lot, but all that time, it felt smooth, shine-free and just-slightly-glowy enough that I didn’t even mind taking all these photos without a stitch of foundation (that’s rare for me!).”

Who: Amelia Tan, Associate Editor
Where: MacRitchie Reservoir, Singapore

macritchie landscape

“I know, I know, it’s just MacRitchie — but come on, this is Singapore, and boardwalks aside, this is as close as we can get to nature and the hot and humid stickiness that comes with a tropical rainforest. In fact, for such a small island with very city-like conditions of skyscrapers and constant upgrading, our biodiversity numbers are astounding: 392 species of birds and at least 2,100 native vascular plants, according to the National Parks Board, which probably includes the insects, monkeys and monitor lizards I encountered on this nature trek. Therefore, a walk in the park isn’t just that — it’s a whole lot of perspiration after just half an hour, thanks to our famous high humidity, and also a thorough experience of our wonderfully erratic weather — one moment it was bright and sunny, and the next, I saw gloomy skies that signalled an upcoming torrential downpour. Thanks! Still, I was armed with SK-II’s Facial Treatment Essence, which made all the difference.”
macritchie ame

“I’ve written so much about the benefits of SK-II’s miracle essence that I think I have it by heart, and yet, I remained skeptical — but only at first. Here goes! Before I had even started on the trek, my skin felt parched from the intense afternoon sun, so I patted on a bit of the Facial Treatment Essence using a cotton pad. In no time, my skin felt hydrated, as if it hungrily slurped up all the nourishing ingredients in the lightweight liquid-like formula. I noticed my skin felt more plump, surely a good sign that the essence had already begun its work. What I also enjoyed is that, unlike a typical cream, no matter how light, there was no greasiness, even for a second, just a refreshing cooling sensation.”
“After that, I also put on sunscreen and a light layer of water-based foundation. How did my skin hold up? Surprisingly well, actually. The second half of my hike involved more ominous cloud-filled skies, so my skin didn’t feel as dry than if I had endured more scorching weather, but still, there’s bound to be dehydration from all that walking. And it performed pretty well under these fickle conditions too. In fact, don’t underestimate the clouds, UV rays can still pass through them so we’re never safe, oh joy. However, my skin never felt stripped, and instead, still felt hydrated after hours. In front of the camera, I dare say that I detected a bit more glow on the high points of my face, even without any highlighter, so that’s definitely a plus!”
SK-II Facial Treatment Essence, available at SK-II counters. sk-ii.com.sg

Jade Restaurant Review: Glorious Cantonese Cuisine and Affordable Dim Sum at Fullerton Hotel

Nine years. That’s how long it’s taken Fullerton Hotel’s Jade Restaurant to become one of the leading authorities of Cantonese cuisine in Singapore. But despite its propensity for dishing out high quality food, the restaurant was let down by a gaudy décor that was all too traditional and frankly, not cool.
No more. For better or worse, that’s all a thing of the past, with a major revamp completed earlier this April completely transforming the restaurant from garish to slick.

Jade - Main Dining (Interior)

Interior of Jade Restaurant

Today’s Jade is all about bright white walls and delicately painted artwork. Design-wise, the contemporary décor is inspired by a classical poem from the Tang Dynasty, with a high ceiling and giant lanterns lending the space an added sense of grandeur.
Jade - Private Room (1)

Jade Restaurant’s private room

At the end of the day though, it’s all about the food, and we’ve got to say, after trying out a variety of signature dishes from Executive Chef Leong Chee Yeng, we were mightily impressed with what the restaurant had to offer. For example, the Roasted Pork Belly ($14/pax) starter was immaculate. Its skin was so crispy that it was impossible not to produce a loud crackling sound when eating it.

Roasted Pork Belly

Another outstanding dish was the Sautéed Beef Tenderloin with Crispy Garlic in Black Pepper Sauce ($23/pax). Incredibly tender, the beef was the literal definition of melt-in-your-mouth. It was that good. The accompaniments of eggplant and crispy garlic balanced out the beef’s meaty flavours well too.

Sautéed Beef Tenderloin with Crispy Garlic in Black Pepper Sauce

Our favourite dish however was the Lamb Rib Loin ($23/pax), which was gorgeously slathered with a rich homemade char siew sauce assembled from fermented beans, rose wine, and sugar. The added sauce gave the lamb a delightfully sweet flavour, which of course accentuated the meat’s slightly gamey taste profile and subtly charred edges.

Lamb Rib Loin

If you’ve got the cash to splash, do try out the Egg Noodle with Boston Lobster and XO Chilli Sauce ($39/pax). The lobster in this Hokkien-inspired dish was extremely fresh and went superbly with the piquant XO sauce, which ironically, doesn’t contain any XO liquor. As for the noodles, they were surprisingly al dente, making them a joy to slurp on.

Egg Noodle with Boston Lobster and XO Chilli Sauce

Not everything was plain sailing though. The Lotus Root soup ($13/pax) while comforting for the stomach came off as slightly bland, despite being prepared from 6am in the morning.
Still, that slight mishap couldn’t take away the sheen of Jade Restaurant’s shine. In fact, the place also serves up a great dim sum buffet deal on the weekends, with over 50 varieties of dim sum available for the price of $39/pax. A major steal really; considering that the restaurant is at Fullerton.
But no matter what you try at Jade, Executive Chef Leong Chee Yeng’s genius is there for all to see. The man, describing himself as an artist, is more than just a culinary genius. If you look carefully around the restaurant, you’ll ceramic pots moulded by the man himself, a creative feat pretty rare for a chef.

Chef Leong made this “Shou” figurine entirely out of dough


He’s also a skilled potter

Whatever the case may be; a meal at Jade Restaurant won’t be a disappointing one, even if your wallet may take a few (expensive) hits. The family-friendly space is hip enough for young folk to hang out at, while Grandma will appreciate the traditional dishes on offer. And that’s not something we can say for a lot of restaurants in Singapore.
Overall rating: 4/5
Expected Damage: 4/5

The DJI Spark Is The Drone You've Been Waiting For

It seems like you can’t talk about filmmaking and / or photography in 2017 without mentioning drones — thanks to its ability to…y’know, fly, the aerial camera has vastly widened the realm of possibility by providing a new perspective on the environment, allowing you to take breathtaking shots from previously-unreachable angles with relative ease. As is usually the case with any kind of new technology, however, there are a few caveats that come with such a cutting-edge device: with even the cheapest models coming in at upwards of $1000, (the reliable ones, at least), drones are quite a costly investment, and while those hipster travel videos on YouTube might make it look easy, operating one actually comes with a steep learning curve.

Drone specialist DJI’s newest offering, however, looks poised to change all that, and its list of impressive features is so extensive that we don’t even know where to start. Clearly designed to appeal to the mainstream market, the “Spark” weighs less than 300 grams and is not much bigger than an iPhone, making it one of the smallest and most portable drones we’ve ever seen (and it comes in five colours!). Its 12 megapixel camera is capable of shooting 1080p HD videos — a step down from the crystal clear 4k resolution that’s fast becoming the standard in drones — but everything makes a little more sense when you take its price tag into consideration (more than that later).

On the feature side of things, the Spark has some nifty tricks to help make that steep learning curve a little less steep. If you aren’t comfortable using a remote controller, you can opt to use your smartphone, DJI’s first-person goggles or — get this — your hands to navigate the drone instead. Yup, like some kind of pseudo Jedi you can adjust the Spark’s position by simply moving your hand, and waving at it will cause it to return and land safely in your palm. Thanks to an “obstacle sensing” feature, the Spark is also programmed to avoid crashing into obstacles, so even the most novice of users can fly this with a peace of mind.
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Perhaps the most impressive thing about the Spark is its US$539 price tag, which is a downright steal when you consider the amount of things this small-but-powerful device has to offer. If you’ve ever wanted to get into the drone game but have always been put off by the cost, the Spark is shaping up to be a very viable middle ground, so head on over to DJI’s website to pre-order one, and you’ll literally be taking your photos and videos to a whole other level in no time.
DJI Spark, US$539, available for pre-order now (ships 15th June) at dji.com
Header image: “DJI – Introducing Spark” on YouTube

Instagram Now Allows Users to Archive The Not-So-Instagram-Worthy Shots

Taking pictures used to be a casual thing. Y’know, just for memories’ sake. Then along came Instagram and as the landscape of photo-sharing apps evolved, so have our photography skills sharpened, giving rise to the term ‘Instagram-worthy shot’. To help us achieve that, a whole slew of editing apps with filters, colour-correcting tools and even slimming effects arose. Just scrolling through your profile feed seeing how you’ve changed over the years might make you cringe.
We all have embarrassing photos that we shared on Instagram back in our more innocent days, thinking we were the coolest shit at that point. So you wanna delete those photos but having to save them in your phone and transferring them to your hard drive can be quite a hassle? No worries as Instagram is constantly trying to improve users’ experience with the app and now they have just rolled out the “Archive” option.
It allows you to take down a photo from your feed and store them in an archive folder where only you have access to view the photos. You can always choose to put it back up and the likes and comments will stay intact. Just select a photo you wish to take down and click on the three dots on the upper right corner or hold down on the post from your profile. To view all your archived posts, just tap on the encircled clock icon at the top right corner of your profile page:

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The archive button can be found on the top right hand corner.
The archive page will look like this upon clicking the archive button.

Whether you like to hold on to precious memories or you want to remove your “ex-lover-now-friends” friend from your profile feed, archiving helps you to store those pictures for your own private viewing. For now, the archive option seems to be appearing now and then but since it is still in its early stages, we shall patiently wait as Instagram expands its availability in the coming months.

A Guide To Tackling Your Various Travel Woes

You know it’s peak travel season when your Facebook and Instagram feeds are filled with photos of your friends frolicking all over the world. Cue all the #wanderlust feels, but while social media only displays the most photogenic parts of travelling, in real life it’s hardly ever all fine and dandy – the whole process, from packing for a trip, to being in transit, to navigating a foreign land can be potentially very stressful indeed.
While forces beyond our control can cause countless things to go wrong throughout the course of a trip, what we can count on is a solid collection of travel products that won’t let us down, i.e. the MUJI To Go range, which we’ll always make sure to pack along. Just in time for the summer travel season comes some new products and a whole bunch of discounts, so you can enjoy the products designed to bring your comforts of home along with you so you’ll always be more than prepared, no matter what kind of travel trouble you end up in.

Problem: Your luggage never seems to be able to keep up with you


Despite your best planning efforts, each overseas trip might not play out the way you intended it to. It might be having to run to catch your plane/train/bus or, on the other end of the spectrum, finding your transport delayed for hours; whatever the situation, the last thing you need on any trip is having a wonky luggage tie you down. MUJI’s Hard Carry Case has always been one of our favourite luggage picks for its sturdy shock-resistant hard case, and how easy it is to wheel along thanks to the four wheels that also can be locked in place, and telescoping handle that can be adjusted in approximately 1cm intervals. Comes in 2 sizes: 33L and 60L, and is TSA-approved. Check out the new collection of MUJI Hard Carry Cases with new colours, coming end June 2017!
Hard Carry Case, 10% off (U.P. $199 – $449)
Problem: The inside of your luggage is always a mess

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Not everyone can be an OCD packer; we’re more prone to carelessly throwing our clothes and other travel essentials in – as long as the luggage can be closed, we’re good. Then again, one can always benefit from a bit more neatness, and opening your luggage to see everything nicely packed and compartmentalised will surely bring a special kind of satisfaction. If neatness isn’t an innate trait, there’s the Gusset Case Series, made of a nylon material used in paraglider wings and in varying sizes and colours; the two-tiered designs will come in useful for separating dirty laundry. MUJI has also just launched a new variation that comes with a handle to make carrying it around easy, and with a deodorising function handy for the items that don’t smell so great and that you’d rather keep hidden.

Aqua Blue is a new colour that will be available for a limited time this season.

Gusset Case Series, 10% off (U.P. $14.60 – $33)
Paraglider Cloth Gusset Case with Handle in Navy, 10% off (U.P. $20.90 & $26.90)
Problem: Erratic weather makes assembling your travel wardrobe really tricky
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Heading somewhere with a temperate climate at a time when spring is transitioning into summer, or summer into autumn, can mean having to pack both a summer and winter wardrobe to be ready for the heat of the day as well as the chilliness of the night. Rather than overstuff your luggage with more clothing than it can handle, the smarter thing to do would be to instead pick out multitasking pieces that can handle varying temperatures.
For example, the Men’s Paraglider Cloth Windbreaker and Ladies’ Cotton Mix Water Repellent Hooded Blouson, both made of the tough yet very lightweight paraglider material that repels water, just in case you find yourself caught in a sudden downpour. Each piece has ventilated sides so you can wear it even when the temperature’s above 20 degrees Celsius. Layer it on top of the Men’s & Ladies’ Organic Cotton Short Sleeve T-shirts, made of high-quality organic cotton and with a neckline reinforced with non-stretch tape, and pack a few extra pieces into your luggage as well. Top off your outfit with one of MUJI’s hats, that come in safari-style, crochet or water-repellent cotton; hats are more practical and stylish than carrying around an umbrella anyway.
Men’s Paraglider Cloth Windbreaker, 10% Off (U.P. $59)
Ladies’ Cotton Mix Water Repellent Hooded Blouson, 10% off (U.P. $119)
Men’s & Ladies’ Organic Cotton Short Sleeve T-shirts, 10% off (U.P. $13.90 – $24.90)
All Hats & Caps, 10% off (U.P. $10-90 – $89)
Problem: You don’t have enough space for all your tech essentials
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Packing electronics for travel is always troublesome: like some gadgets aren’t bulky enough already, we still have to worry about bringing along all the right chargers, and travel adaptors to boot. MUJI isn’t able to replace your laptop and camera, but what they do have are 10 different types of tag tools that perform various function such as alarm clock, pedometer, reflector and LED light, plus a new security buzzer that MUJI launched in response to customer’s requests. Tag tools are sold separately from the silicone cases that come with handles, which allow them to be easily hooked onto any bag.
Tag Tools, 10% off (U.P. $4.90 – $23)
Problem: You’re always holding up the queue while you dig through your bag for your passport/boarding pass

Don’t be that person – it’s not cool. The solution to this is to keep all the important stuff in an easily accessible place, like MUJI’s Passport Case that not only fits your passport, but also any boarding passes, cards, and keys (there’s a keyring on the inside!).
Passport Case, 10% off (U.P. $19 – $33)
Problem: You want to take a nap in privacy

Nothing wrong at all with catching up on the snoozes while on the go, but just sometimes we wish for a bit more privacy – just so we won’t be snoring with our mouths open in full view of our fellow passengers. With the new MUJI Neck Cushion, at least half your face will be covered – thanks to the new hood that’s made in the same jersey material as super comfy hoodies. The cushion itself is filled with 5 million microbeads so it can adapt to all contours of your face and neck, and fit any kind of sleeping position, no matter how strange.
Neck Cushion, 10% off (U.P. $19 – $46)
Problem: Your accommodation doesn’t exactly have 5-star facilities
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usb desk fan

Not that we mind sometimes roughing it out a little in a hostel or boutique hotel, but staying at such places means possibly forgoing conveniences like an in-room wardrobe or sufficient bathroom counter space. This is the time when these little tools will suddenly make life a whole lot easier: for example, the Portable Aluminium Foldable Hanger, as its name implies, is a hanger you can fold and slip into your bag; when opened up, it’s as wide as a regular hanger and has notches on the shoulders to prevent clothes from slipping off. The Hanging Bath Case is a roomy toiletries case that can hold bottles up to 200ml in capacity, and has a attached hook you can use to hang it up in any toilet, to create your own portable toiletries shelf. If your hostel room is lacking in the A/C department, the Low-noise Desk Fan is a portable USB fan that’s quiet enough that you won’t bother anyone else who happens to be sharing your room.
Portable Aluminium Foldable Hanger, 10% off (U.P. $9.90)
Hanging Bath Case, 10% off (U.P. $23)
USB Desk Fan, 20% off (U.P. $39)
Problem: You shopped too much… again
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Here’s a situation we hate: finding ourselves desperately stuffing all our shopping loot into any available nook and cranny of our suitcases, and then having to deal with the epic struggle of trying to squeeze it shut. The only thing worse than all of this is making it all the way to the check-in counter, only to be told that your baggage has exceeded the weight limit, and you’ll have to cough up an exorbitant fee. Make sure none of that ever happens again by always packing along an extra bag you can bring along into the plane cabin, like the Paraglider Foldable Bags that store up to 32 litres, or for something more structured, the Travel Boston Bags, which are made of polyester and come equipped with handles and a strap you can attach to your luggage handle.
Paraglider Foldable Bags, 20% off (U.P. $79 – $99)
Travel Boston Bag, 20% off (U.P. $69 – $99)
MUJI To Go promotions, valid till 21 June 2017 or while stocks last. Available at all MUJI stores and on muji.com.sg/store/special-offers/muji-to-go. muji.com/sg/mujitogo

Sneak Peek of Singapore’s First Apple Store at Orchard Road

It’s been a long time coming, but Apple will finally unveil its first ever store in Singapore this Saturday, May 27, at 10am.
The new space at Orchard Road’s Knightsbridge Mall will take up a total of two floors, with the first level selling iPhones, iPads, and various accessories, and the second level a hosting space for a series of hands-on sessions – called “Today at Apple” – revolving around topics like music, photography, coding, design, and film.


Apple’s “Geniuses” welcoming the media at the store launch

Design-wise, you can expect the slick, minimalist style that’s we’ve all come to associate with the US tech giant. A massive glass façade that measures 120 feet stretches across the entire length of the store, while a 25-foot canopy will “protect” visitors from Singapore’s harsh tropical sunlight.

Staff member giving a briefing on the iPhone 7 Plus’s portrait mode

There are also two gorgeously built Castania stone staircases at both sides of the store, drawing inspiration from the Apple Park in Cupertino, California.
Even more impressive are the little quirks that Apple has incorporated into the entire set-up. Charging ports rise when you wave your hand past a motion-sensor, while Hermès-leather made chairs can be separated into two stools if more seats are needed for a workshop.

Motion-sensor controlled charging ports

“We view our stores as a modern-day town square, where visitors come to shop, be inspired, learn or connect with others in their community,” said Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s senior vice president of retail.
Here’s what you can expect to see when you visit the new store:

iPads on the first level


iPhone display


Incredible range of Apple Watch straps to choose from


Just one of the many Apple-compatible accessories to try


Real iPhones and iPads stuck on the wall

Apple’s Orchard Road store is located at 270 Orchard Road. For more information, visit www.apple.com/sg.

A Step-By-Step Guide To Copying This Peach Eyes/Nude Lips Look

Today’s makeup tutorial is brought to you by Chelsea, one of the Editorial Assistants on the NYLON Singapore team. So… what’s so special about Chelsea’s makeup?


It’s nothing particularly out of the ordinary actually, just that she’s really mastered the art of nailing peachy eyeshadow, paired with slightly flushed cheeks and a matte nude lip. One day, this colour combination was just looking so fine on her that we simply had to ask her to tell us what exactly she was using. So, she did, and we presented it all here step-by-step, products included, so now we can all nail the Chelsea Look.


1. Chelsea usually starts with a base of liquid foundation (her usual pick’s the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum Gel), with blemishes hidden by these drugstore concealer options. For the brows, just lightly fill them in with a pencil.

2. First up on the eyes, a matte light peach that goes on as a base. Chelsea uses the shade “Issues” from the Colourpop Blow Me Away Pressed Powder Shadow Palette, using a small-shading brush.

A peach-hued eyeshadow base immediately brightens the entire lid area.

3. Next, we’re going to add shading to the outer corners of the lids, right under the brow bone. Using a tapered blending brush, Chelsea applies the shade Peanut Butter, a matte burnt orange, from Too Faced’s Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar palette.

Here, you see how the colour has been extended on the outside corners, and there’s now some definition.

4. And now, we bring in the shine. Using the ETUDE HOUSE Bling Me Prism Look At My Eyes in BE107, Chelsea gently dabs it on the inner half of her eyelids with her ring finger.

Bling bling ✨

5. For an extra fun touch, apply this glittery shade under the eyes as well. With a small fluffy eyeshadow brush, pick up just a bit of the colour and line right under the eyes.

This will help you look just a bit more awake.

6. Some of the colours in this Colourpop palette double up as a blush too. Chelsea chose the shade Centerfold, a matte coral, to brush onto the apples of cheeks with a large fluffy powder brush.

7. For some contour, dip the same brush into the Urban Decay x Jean-Michel Basquiat Gallery Blush Palette. We used the bronzer shade Jawbone.

8. Last step: lip colour, in the form of a matte liquid lipstick. Chelsea’s top choice is the Jeffree Star Cosmetics Velour Liquid Lipstick in Mannequin.

And… that’s it! You’ve got the Chelsea Look down pat.

Go-Sees, Bondage, and Tears Dominated This Week's Episode of Asia's Next Top Model

Last week’s double elimination was something we definitely didn’t see coming. We bade goodbye to Dorothy and Valerie, leaving a few of our final 6 more shaken than ever before. Not Shikin, though – she took home the Zalora challenge win, and it’s about damn time she won something, if you ask us. The girl’s got her smize down and she brings her A-game to every single photoshoot. Veronika, on the other hand, is all alone at this point. Having witnessed Valerie’s exit, the emotionally-challenged twin will have to stand on her own, because if she doesn’t, she could end up on the chopping block this week.

The week begins with a shocking shift in alliance, causing even more strained relationships in the Model House. Tu announces that she’s moving to the Bad Girls’ room to join Shikin and Clara because she can’t afford to be Cindy’s crutch any longer, saying, “Six girls in the house now. It’s not the time to help anybody anymore.” With this new adjustment, the Bad Girls decide to start afresh, renaming themselves the Strong Girls. Tu and Shikin are obviously entitled to rebrand themselves as Strong Girls, but Clara? Yeah, she’s anything but strong – crying and complaining at the most trivial things. ALL. THE. TIME. Unworthy, yes, but we gotta admit, she’s our main source of entertainment on the show at the moment.
The Strong Girls then come up with a pretty ruthless strategy to take the Good Girls down.“We have to get rid of all the weaklings so that it feels like a competition worth fighting for,” Shikin says. To the Strong Girls, Maureen is the weakest link, so they’ve decided to conjure up a plan to shatter her confidence. (Spoiler: their plan will ultimately backfire, but we’ll get to that in a bit.) At their communal dining area, Clara decides to plant herself next to Maureen, and starts demeaning her, saying she doesn’t deserve to be in the competition and that she’s only got her pretty face to rely on. Jesus, when the hell will this unnecessary drama come to an end? Maureen handles this rubbish with exceptional grace, though. Their hatred and jealousy only drives her to do better in future challenges. Now that’s the spirit!
Aaand in comes the next Cindy Mail. The time has finally come for our contestants to prove their worth with this week’s highly-anticipated challenge: Go-sees. The girls are paired up to travel across the city to visit fashion creative director Daniel Boey and master tailor Kevin Seah for two very different go-sees. Shikin and Tu make their first stop at Daniel Boey’s studio to try on his designs and strut their stuff. Daniel’s looking for someone with who knows how to work his clothes with charisma and presence, and Tu seems to check all the boxes on this go-see. She may have been given a bulky ensemble to work with, but she sure knows how to make it look glamorous.
When Clara and Veronika arrive for their casting session with Kevin Seah, Clara gets frustrated when she’s being put in a suit, annoyed that she has to dress like a man. This girl definitely needs a little education in the history of fashion. I mean, ever heard of YSL’s Le Smoking? Classy and iconic AF, which is something Clara will never be. And it seems like Kevin agrees, saying he’s not going to book her for sure. Instead, Veronika’s caught his eye. She displayed a good amount of confidence, and she’s even got the height and bone structure to boot. For their final test, the girls head to a studio where they have to audition in front of the camera for director Pavan Singh, and boy did all of them struggle to impress him. Even Cindy’s emotional performance failed to move him. Is this dude made of stone or something?
After six rounds of gruelling auditions, the girls were finally let in on a little surprise. Yu Tsai revealed that Pavan is actually just an actor, and they’ve staged a mock-up situation for the girls to up the ante a tad bit. He then announced that the winner of the go-see challenge is Tu, who will be walking in Daniel Boey’s upcoming fashion show. After an exhausting day of go-sees, our models were desperately in need of a break. “It’s a long day right girls? Time to get some rest? Not Likely.” Yu Tsai drops a bomb on them, announcing an impromptu overnight photoshoot titled ‘Bound by Love’. With a raunchy bondage theme in full swing, they’ve brought in yet another male model to work with, and this time, the girls must dominate their shoot with minimal direction from Yu Tsai. And of course, no challenge would be complete without Clara’s whining. Ugh. Cue the eye-rolls.
We were a little worried for Cindy, initially. Bondage isn’t exactly a theme we could see her pulling off; and while she did have a bout with her confidence, she gave it her all. When it was Maureen’s turn, Yu Tsai seemed frustrated at her, so he tells her to close her eyes and envision herself in a magazine spread, asking her to give him what she wants to see. At this point, Maureen seems to be blanking out entirely. Nevertheless, she pushed through as Yu Tsai remained silent, filling the set with the sound of camera shutters. Uh-oh. That silence could mean something other than pleased. Could he have given up on Maureen?
At this point, we’ve had enough of Clara’s terrible attitude, but this photoshoot really tested Yu Tsai’s patience. As soon as he calls a cut on her shoot, she exclaims, “SO FAST?” Seriously, what is this girl even thinking? Worried about her level of confidence after Valerie’s departure, the next disappointing performance came from Veronika, as Yu Tsai pointed out that her poses are falling flat with each take. Just like that, we’ve arrived at the next round of elimination, where Cindy Bishop, Cara G McIlroy, and Yu Tsai are joined by guest judge, TV presenter Dominic Lau.

(L-R): Guest judge, Dominic Lau; Model Mentor, Cara G McIlroy; Host, Cindy Bishop; and Creative Director, Yu Tsai

As we predicted, Cindy’s lack of confidence showed in her photos, and Yu Tsai even said he was falling asleep during the shoot. What we didn’t expect was how well Maureen did, seeing as how Yu Tsai fell absolutely silent during the latter half of her shoot. “That right there screams passion and domination. I’m taken by it. Job well done,” Dominic praises. Cindy Bishop says, “So there’s two kinds of ‘shut up’ for Yu Tsai. The first one, you don’t want him to shut up because that’s when he’s given up on you. The second kind […] is when he’s just clicking away and that means you’re delivering.” Now we know what was actually going on at the photoshoot earlier.
When Clara walked up for her judging, things got tense real fast. Yu Tsai questions, “Clara, do you take this competition seriously? What did you say after the shoot?” He was referring to the moment Clara claimed that she wasn’t given enough time on set, and even after Yu Tsai confronts her about it, she’s still adamant about not getting more time on her shoot. She just doesn’t know when to quit, does she? Yu Tsai sounds off, “Never disrespect the person holding the camera.” In tears, Clara walks back to her spot as Yu Tsai waves goodbye – a pretty ominous indication about her fate this week.
AsNTM5 - Photoshoot_EP08_Final DI_Maureen-050
The results are in, and Maureen came out tops with her second win. Before we knew it, it was down to Clara and Veronika. Based on everything that transpired, we were so sure Clara would be booted off this week, but ultimately, Veronika’s displaced sense of self sent her packing. With 5 girls remaining, the competition just got a whole lot more heated. Which of these girls will manage to tighten their grip on the coveted Asia’s Next Top Model title? We’ll just have to find out next week.
Have a look at the final photos for this week’s challenge:

Asia’s Next Top Model Cycle 5 airs every Wednesday at 9pm, only on Star World (Starhub TV Ch 501/Singtel TV Ch 301). asntm.com

Take Better iPhone Pictures With These Apple Photography Tips

You’ve probably seen the poster ads from Apple plastered all over train stations and be surprised to realise that such quality photos are actually taken with the iPhone 7. But of course, these are ads by Apple. Naturally, their photos are taken by photographers who know their stuff and know how to work their way around the different features of the iPhone camera.
With the release of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus that boast superior and improved camera features – especially for the Plus with the dual cam – it would be such a waste to not make use of them. For those who are at the forefront of the latest updates from Apple, you would’ve known that earlier this month, the tech giant launched a website dedicated to educate users on how to perfect that Instagram-worthy shot. Just last week, Apple released 4 new videos to the series which are also available on their YouTube channel. The videos are short and simple, each lasting for about 30-50 seconds. While some functions featured are rather intuitive and obvious, some tips like finding contrast when taking a black & white photos proved to be a useful tip.
We decided to test out some tips to see if it works, starting with “How to shoot without a flash”:

To give you some context of the photo, the photo is taken at our office lounge and we identified the NYLON sign as our light source. We had our model sitting on the chair and here’s the end result:

Next, “How to convert a photo to black and white”:


The key here is to find contrast. Work with different angles and lighting if you are thinking of applying a black and white filter over your photo. The filter used here is Noir.

Looking through the series, they even have a “How to shoot a close-up” video. Do we really need to be taught how to shoot a close-up? Turns out shooting a close-up can be quite tricky, especially since the lighting and exposure changes as you get close to the subject, but the camera’s great for capturing the minute details. So we followed the instructions:

1. Get close


2. Get even closer


3. Tap to focus and slide to expose


4. Shoot


Finally, we tried out the the zoom feature with the iPhone 7 Plus:

Without zoom:


With Zoom:


The zoom feature probably works best when your subject is large and where details are not as important. As you can see, the zoom doesn’t entirely do the flowers justice, and the photo appears to be slightly less sharp.
Overall, these videos might be very ‘uh, i know this stuff’ for long-time Apple users, but if you are a beginner in photography or you have just switched from Android to Apple, these easy-to-follow videos are a great way to familiarise yourself with the camera features and learn how to make your surroundings work for you. Also, with the Apple Store opening at Orchard Road this coming Saturday, take the chance to head there and play around with the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus if you don’t already own one.
The Apple Store opens this Saturday, 27 May 2017, at 270 Orchard Road from 10:00am to 10:00pm daily. apple.com.sg

These Sunscreens Are Exactly What We Need For Our Tropical Weather

Now be honest, how many of you religiously slather on sunscreen every single day? We don’t know about you, but we’re always feeling guilty about leaving sun protection out of our daily essentials, despite everything and everyone telling us it should.

You don’t need to search hard for why you should care — it protects your skin from UV damage, reduces spots and blemishes, even reverses signs of ageing, and if that’s not enough, there are these scary videos that show us what happens when we’re merely lazy. Nope, the only thing left is to convince yourself that sunscreen’s important all the time, despite the hassle.

The extra step in your routine gets a bad rep, first, because it’s troublesome to apply, and second, because of how the formula feels like on our skin, everything from how it’s tacky, oily, heavy, and leaves an unflattering white cast on less pale complexions.

We don’t even want to bring in our tropical weather, both the high temperature and high humidity that you’d be familiar with after standing a minute under the 12pm sun. That’s right, why would anyone want to put more greasy stuff on top of their perspiring skin? Because it’s important, and here’s where Shiseido’s bestselling sunscreens come in — they make this important step so much easier, simply by addressing the things we hate about it.

HyperFocal: 0

1. If you hate how sunscreen typically feels, try the Shiseido Global Suncare Perfect UV Protector HydroFresh SPF50+/PA++++

Why? Well, you already know how unappealing it is to apply sunscreen when it’s this humid, that’s why the ones we use should be as forgettable as possible — by that, we mean it’s so lightweight, invisible and comfortable that we won’t even feel like we have anything on, nor do we have to worry about exposed skin.

We’ve always been a fan of Shiseido sunscreens due to their lightweight formula, and we’d certainly trust an Asian brand to come up with something for our weather. This time, their latest product comes in an even more weightless texture that doesn’t leave behind a greasy residue, by way of a water-based formula.

Shiseido Global Suncare Perfect UV Protector HydroFresh SPF50+ PA++++, $60

You might have some skepticism though: how, then, does it stay on when you sweat? Regular water-based ones do tend to disappear when in contact with water, but you can be assured that the Shiseido version contains ingredients that hold sunscreen agents in place. These create a special network on the skin, a powerful protective veil, so that you’ll stay constantly protected.

Basically, it combines the best of oil-based and water-based formulas: you get protection that doesn’t easily wear off, and a finish that’s gel-like, hydrating and dewy on your skin — when applied, it sinks in immediately, and then feels good hours after.

2. If you hate how sunscreen always wears off when you perspire, try the Shiseido Global Suncare Perfect UV Protector SPF50+/PA++++

Key word here: WetForce. This technology’s the whole reason why you should get on board with the brand, because it’s a promise of their sunscreens actually increasing their protective powers when in contact with water and sweat.

This means that your sunscreen goes beyond “water-resistant”, but actually gets the strength of its protection boosted when in contact with water, which is usually the case when we perspire or take a dip in the pool. Instead of the protective veil wearing off, the exclusive technology binds with the minerals in water and perspiration, to create a highly water-repellent layer that keeps you shielded for longer.

Shiseido Global Suncare Perfect UV Protector SPF50+ PA++++, $59

The bonus is, all of Shiseido’s latest sunscreens feature that technology, even one formulated for sensitive skin, so you’ll reap the benefits of their research, no matter what your needs. On top of that, there’s also the SuperVeil-UV 360 technology that allows sunscreen agents to spread evenly even over microscopic contours, so you get a smooth finish and complete coverage no matter which angle the UV rays are coming at you from, as well as Profence CEL, a complex that has anti-ageing benefits and prevents further UV damage.

3. If you still want sun protection, but hate going barefaced while working out, try the Shiseido Global Suncare BB for Sports SPF50+/PA+++

Like we mentioned, Shiseido has enough sunscreens to consider all your needs, and this one’s for the sporty girls who still want to look good while working out. You can’t deny that sunscreen’s important especially when you’re sweating under the sun — whether it’s morning yoga, running, cycling, swimming, hiking, waterboarding, dragonboating, or whatever you happen to be doing to keep healthy. The common gripe is that, you want some sort of coverage, but don’t want to whip out foundation since it will disappear anyway, and you don’t some a streaky mess when you’re wiping your sweat away.

BB SPF50+ PA+++
Shiseido Global Suncare BB for Sports SPF50+ PA+++, $55

It makes sense then that Shiseido, which does pretty fine foundations by the way, uses their makeup expertise with its equally renowned suncare technology, which results in this capable tinted sunscreen.

Sure, you can rely on BB creams or foundations with SPF, but what if you want the coverage plus the higher sun protection power of a sunscreen? Granted, it’s still minimal coverage we’re talking about here, but it’s more than enough for you to feel confident. Case in point: our NYLON Editor-in-Chief actually uses is regularly while swimming on weekends, and she says it’s so good that she often uses it in replace of her foundation.

On top of the WetForce technology so you don’t need to worry when you sweat, there are two other things we can rely on: one, an Amino Complex that helps maintain skin moisture, and next, the important part, a specially-formulated Contouring Powder that makes your skin look healthier and more sculpted, even under strong sunlight. It’s all about the way the powder, made from white pearl, manipulates light that mimics our natural contours, brighter in the front and darker at the sides. This microscopic subtlety is enough to give us a natural, flawless complexion. The BB-sunscreen hybrid comes in three shades: light, medium and dark.

All Shiseido sunscreens, available at Shiseido counters. shiseido.com.sg

This Adidas Iniki Runner Collection Could Be The Best We've Seen Yet

When Adidas first released the Iniki Runner back in March, we’ll admit that we weren’t too impressed with the silhouette’s initial rollout of colourways — the red and blue were passable, we guess, but mint green and purple aren’t exactly colours that you should be building a new sneaker’s foundation on. Since then, more accessible shades like the “Pride of the 70s” and “Haze Coral” have been a step in the right direction, but we think that the brand with the three stripes has really hit the nail on the head with their upcoming collection.

Iniki01 Iniki01

Featuring a whopping four new colourways, the sneakers might be rather run-of-the-mill by today’s standards, but are an essential addition nonetheless. Considering how hype pink sneakers have become in recent months, the millennial pink iteration is without a doubt going to be the most popular of the bunch, but we’re personally more excited about the long-overdue black, whose timeless black / white / gum combination is something we’ve been clamouring for since the Iniki was first unveiled. The remaining two colourways that round out the collection aren’t anything to scoff at, either — there’s an adorable baby blue for those looking for something a little more pastel, while the dark green provides an equally-stylish alternative that offers a much more subtle look.
Iniki02 Iniki03

While Adidas hasn’t announced an exact release date, rumours suggest that these four new Iniki Runners will hit store shelves sometime in June, which means that we might not have to wait too long to get our hands on them. The Iniki Runner hasn’t exactly taken off the way we first expected them to, but the arrival of these timeless colourways might be just what the silhouette needs to become the next big Adidas sneaker…either way, we’re definitely going to be copping a pair of the black / white for ourselves.
Images: Adidas

The Nike Air Max LD-Zero Takes Air Technology To a Whole New Level

Every year the lead up to Air Max Day bestows us with more than a few wishlist-worthy releases centered around the iconic sneaker, but the biggest thing to come out of the Nike event is still the unveiling of entirely new silhouettes. Last year legendary streetwear designer Hiroshi Fujiwara did exactly that with the Nike Air Max LD-Zero, and while we’ve never been particularly fond of the shoe’s design, this “Peal Pink” colourway might be enough to finally change our minds.

Air01 Air02

Drawing inspiration from the Internationalist-esque LD-1000 silhouette, the sneaker’s minimalist mesh / leather upper might not be anything to write home about on its own, but the lower half is where things start to get interesting. While most Air Max models show off the signature air technology through a small window on the heel, these kicks take things to a whole new level by making the entire midsole translucent, resulting in a futuristic look that — when paired with the retro-inspired design of the upper — makes for a pretty unique aesthetic. The overall look is a little too sporty for our tastes, but the pastel pink shade that covers this iteration manages to bring it back to the streetwear side of things.
Air03 Air04

The Nike Air Max LD-Zero is available right now, and can be bought online at select Nike stockists such as asphaltgold…a fitting retailer, considering that these kicks come with whopping €179 price tag. This silhouette certainly isn’t going to replace the Air Max 1 or 90 in our sneaker rotations anytime soon, but if you’re looking to switch up your Air Max game, these shoes might be what you’re looking for.
Nike Air Max LD-Zero “Pearl Pink”, €179, available now at asphaltgold.com
Header image: Asphaltgold

The Jean Paul Gaultier Classique Wonder Woman fragrance is Finally Hitting Singapore Shores

With Wonder Woman set to air in cinemas on May 31st, what better time than now for brands to have this female heroine grace their merchandise? Well, this time we are moving past collectibles and going straight into fragrances. Jean Paul Gaultier is reinterpreting their most popular Classique and Le Mâle fragrances and giving the bottles a different look. Keeping the sensuous silhouette of the bottle, our iconic female heroine, Wonder Woman and the Man of Steel, Superman, will be making a smashing appearance!

JPG Classique

The Classique Wonder Woman fragrance  starts off with lemon sorbet, sugar cane juice and ginger, leaving a sweet and citrusy undertone that is balanced out with the spice and sharpness coming from the ginger. The Tahiti tiare flower and orange blossom in the middle notes will have you smelling like fresh flowers all day while vanilla, musk and neo labdanum sets the groundwork for the top notes, revealing a comforting scent. This power-packed fragrance promises to leave you feeling empowered and ready to conquer the day with confidence and we’re pretty sure the Lasso of Truth will agree.
JPG Le Male

Admit it. We all dreamed of being a superhero when we were younger, wishing we were secretly gifted with some awesome superpowers. Perhaps we’re still dreaming. Even if it’s something we can only imagine, a little spritz of Le Mâle will bound to unleash that alter ego – the superhero in you. *cues dramatic strong winds blowing your hair * The fragrance opens with notes of neroli, mint and aldehydes with sage in the middle notes resting on a base consisting of sandal wood, vanilla and tonka bean. While Superman is renowned for his X-ray and heat vision, at least you get to radiate refreshing and aromatic scents that will linger in the air. Hey, that is actually doing everyone in the train ride back home a favour right?

But here’s the mission for you: Grab them before they are all sold out because they are on sale for a limited time only. We suggest you better put on your superhero cape and get ready to fly there with super-sonic speed.
The Jean Paul Gaultier Superman Le Mâle fragrance comes in 125ml ($121) while the Classique Wonder Woman comes in 100ml ($147). Both fragrances will be available at the following locations from June 2017: Metro Paragon, Robinsons The Heeren, Raffles City, TANGS at Tang Plaza, VivoCity, Takashimaya

How On Earth Do You Use Lush's Solid Toothpaste and Mouthwash?

This was surely the most interesting collection to land on the NYLON beauty desk the whole of 2017 so far:

Solid mouthwash, say what? And it wasn’t just that: Lush also sent over the Toothy Tabs in a bunch of flavours, and those are essentially solid teeth cleansers that come in the same tablet-like form as the Mouthwash Tabs. Of course, in a bid to have what must be one of the most unique mouth-cleaning experiences possible, I had to give both a try together.
By Tami Lai

Of all the Toothy Tab flavours sent to us, I picked out the Bling!, which has tablets that come coated in a shimmery gold powder (edible, of course) and promise to make your teeth dazzle as you brush them. Sounds fun.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: I dispense one golden tablet into my palm, and I honestly can’t believe I’m to use this to brush my teeth. It emits a faint sweet-spicy scent that’s courtesy of the frankincense, as stated on the label, which is not at all like what regular toothpaste is supposed to smell like. The golden sparkle rubs off a little on my skin immediately, as seen in the photo. The instructions on the back of the bottle say that I’m supposed to bite on this, and use my regular toothbrush to brush as usual.
PROS: Once I put it in my mouth, I find that this doesn’t taste too bad. It mixes with my saliva to foam up relatively quickly, and the Brazilian orange oil in it produces a pleasant light citrusy flavour.
CONS: The most disappointing thing about this was, there was none of that promised bling on my teeth. I mean, I’m not expecting my teeth to be covered in glittery gold foam, but I thought there would be at least a tiny bit of sparkle – isn’t that the whole point of the novelty factor? Instead, the foam produced came in regular boring white with no sign of even a slight golden hue.
Also, biting on the Toothy Tab takes some getting used to. I “nibbled” on it as instructed and then applied my toothbrush to my teeth, but I realised that mere nibbling wasn’t sufficient to break up the tablet enough, so as I brushed and moved the tablet bits around my mouth, that ended up hurting my gums a little. Once I had rinsed it off, the aftertaste was mildly sweet, but I find that the stronger mintiness of regular toothpaste is better at combating morning breath.

I chose this one because I favour citrusy mouthwashes, and the main ingredient of this one is lemon oil. It also helps that product name is really cute.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Popping a tablet into your mouth and then gargling with water is surely more troublesome than just gargling regular liquid mouthwash, but once again, it’s all in the novelty factor. This one tastes like a lemon-flavoured mint when I put it in my mouth.
PROS: While it comes in the same format as the Toothy Tabs, this one is easier to use since a mouthful of water dissolves the tablet much quicker than just saliva, so I didn’t end up with little bits of the Mouthwash Tab hurting my gums. The way it fizzes when mixed with water felt quite nice too, and despite it not being a mainly minty flavour (there are menthol crystals in it though), I did find it sufficient for getting rid of morning breath, as well as the aftertaste of dinner.
CONS: Like the Toothy Tabs, if you’re looking for a strong minty taste in your mouthwash, this one doesn’t have it. What it does leave behind is a subtly sweet aftertaste, still sufficient to feel fresh enough in the mornings though.
VERDICT: Overall, these were very interesting to try. I’ve personally never seen any other brand that does solid toothpaste and mouthwashes, so Lush is the first to get into the game. For sure, these will be super handy for travel, since being solid, you can pack the bottles into your cabin bag and use them for freshening up mid-flight. They’re not as user-friendly as regular toothpaste and mouthwash though, which just goes to show that there’s a reason every other oral health brand in history has stuck to the traditional gel and liquid formats.
Another thing is that the Toothy Tabs and Mouthwash Tabs don’t contain fluoride, the main ingredient in many toothpaste formulas that helps with improving dental health, and preventing cavities. Fluoride is a slightly controversial ingredient within some circles though, so it might not be an entirely bad thing.
While I wouldn’t replace my regular Darlie toothpaste and Listerine mouthwash entirely with these as Lush’s options just aren’t minty enough for my liking, but this is a fun option to switch to now and again.
LUSH Toothy Tabs and Mouthwash Tabs, $13 to $18. Available at LUSH stores and on lushsg.com
Main image: uk.lush.com

NYLON Team Picks: The One Statement Item We'd Gladly Splurge On This Season

Oh, kids these days have it good alright. Compared to the days of our youth, they’ve got a whole lot of shopping options, from sophisticated blogshops where you can get whole outfits for less than $25, to plenty of fast fashion brands and their on-trend wear, which explains why some 17-year-olds dress better than us. And then, there are the online shopping havens that deliver luxury goods right to our doorsteps.
If you’re in need of a wardrobe upgrade, and are willing to spend on quality over quantity, there’s always Shopbop. Free express worldwide shipping — including to Singapore — is just part of the deal; the site is home to plenty of fashion labels, from the luxury staples of Chanel, Saint Laurent and Valentino, to diffusion lines such as Zac Zac Posen, to the hottest in-the-moment ones such as Self-Portrait, Dion Lee and Public School. And what makes the deal even sweeter is this: fill up your shopping cart and charge it to your UOB card — then, you get 15% off all items with a min. spend of US$250, using the promo code of: UOBSHOPBOPSG.
The last condition may seem daunting, but we’re here to assure you that isn’t, at all. Enticed by the offer, the NYLON Team took on a virtual shopping spree, imagining what we’d spend our paychecks on if we had to splurge on just one key item, and let’s just say we were sorely tempted to get those very items ourselves. In no time, our fashion wants became fashion needs — and we’re sure we’re not alone on this! Here are our picks:

Key Item: Ganni Passion Biker Jacket in Total Eclipse, US$545
“I’ve been on the lookout for a completely weather-inappropriate leather jacket. Blue is a nice colour to differentiate from all the standard black motorcycle jackets out there. This jacket is a classic silhouette to add to a monochromatic ensemble.” – Joanne Cheah, Designer
Now, a leather jacket is a right splurge, but one that we totally condone since it lasts us for years. Plus, with all the travelling that we’re doing nowadays, you could always do with a trusty one in your luggage for slightly cooler weather. Here, channel some New York street style with roomy Public School culottes, and a soothing palette of blues with standout white booties for contrast.
1. Hat Attack Round Handle Tote, US$112 ; 2. Ganni Passion Biker Jacket in Total Eclipse, US$545 ; 3. Public School Sera Culottes in Navy, US$595 ; 4. Marc Jacobs Rocket Chelsea Booties, US$395 ; 5. Misa Flavia Pom Pom Bag Charm, US$35

Key Item: Saint Laurent SL28 Mirrored Sunglasses, US$340

“Everybody needs a pair of shades to look cool in. This one is so universal — from the mirrored lens, the classic shape, and the translucent frame — it’ll work well on almost anyone.” – Adele Chan, Editor-in-Chief
Truly, these pair of shades go with anything, but if you’re looking for comfy threads that still exude cool, pair it with army green cargo pants — with pockets, which are so great for your many loose items. A vintage-inspired rock band tee by MADEWORN ROCK, with the authentic faded wash too, seals the deal. In fact, it was so enticing that our editor very enthusiastically added it right into her shopping cart. Oops.
1.Urban Ears Plattan Wireless Headphones in True White, US$100 ; 2. Saint Laurent SL28 Mirrored Sunglasses, $340 ; 3. J Brand Houlihan Jeans, US$228 ; 4. IRO Matina Booties, US$360.50 ; 5.  MADEWORN ROCK Pink Floyd Tee, US$154 

Key Item: Ash Virgin Buckled High Top Sneakers, US$185
“I can’t justify spending more than $200 on a top — most of the time at least — but a pair of shoes? That’s totally fine. They get the most mileage anyway, quite literally. This pair of high-top leather sneakers, with its row of buckles and slightly scuffed look, is perfect for dress-down weekends, but I find it most interesting when unexpectedly paired with girly dresses or skirts.” – Amelia Tan, Associate Editor
Chic and always on trend, you can’t go wrong with sneakers. This ASH pair, with its slightly punk-ish buckles, can work for Spring’s hottest trends too: ruffles and dresses over jeans. Embrace its tomboy charm, but keep things stunning by pairing it with an asymmetrical dress that cascades beautifully over a pair of skinny-cut jeans. Colourful accessories complete this fashionably off-kilter style.
1.Current/Elliott The Stiletto Jeans, In Love with White Stars, US$258 ; 2. Gorjana Phoenix Stud Earrings, US$30 ; 3. Ash Virgin Buckled High Top Sneakers, US$185 ; 4. Zimmermann Sueded One Shoulder Long Dress, US$630 ; 5. Olympia Le-Tan Normal Messenger Bag, US$633

Key Item: DKNY Runway Miniskirt in Classic Navy, US$298
“I really like structured skirts that hit right above the knee, and this piece stands out for its uneven hems; plus there’s a hidden elastic waistband that is especially handy for huge meals (sucking in a food baby is never fun). The navy shade can be paired easily with brights, pastels, or the black/white/grey tops that make up 80% of my wardrobe, and the pleat details manage to look classic without veering towards school uniform territory.” – Tami Lai, Associate Editor
The skirt’s in a versatile navy shade, which means it will go easily with a lot of things already in your wardrobe, but in order to keep in line with its “basic but not really” details, we’ve paired it with these other wardrobe staples: a classic white shirt with knots all over its sleeves, a bootie that plays on the season’s embroidery trend, and a structured crossbody that keeps it interesting with a metallic carabina clasp.
1. JOUR/NE Knot Shirt, US$275 ; 2. DKNY Runway Miniskirt in Classic Navy, US$298 ; 3. Larsson & Jennings Lugano Large Strap Watch, US$295 ; 4. Loeffler Randall Isla Embroidered Booties, US$550 ; 5. Zac Zac Posen Belay Cross Body Bag, US$295

Key Item: Apiece Apart Aroussa Jumpsuit, US$395
“Anyone who knows me knows that I love a black jumpsuit, so yes, there are currently a few too many iterations of that wide-legged style in my wardrobe. The next addition? This jumpsuit by Apiece Apart. It’s got that classic voluminous cut that I adore – this time with thin straps and a row of buttons down the placket of its silky, pyjama-like design.” – Jade, Writer
Think of this as a jumpsuit unlike the ones you probably have; rather than a belted or more structured number, Apiece Apart crafts theirs in a more breezy cut, which combined with the soft fabric, gives your look an effortless feel. If you usually feel layers are too stifling, break out of the t-shirts and go for this off-shoulder top that shows off your collarbone, then keep the rest of your outfit sleek and minimalist.
1. Theory Waleska Crop Top, US$215 ; 2. Apiece Apart Aroussa Jumpsuit, US$395 ; 3. Gorjana Taner Bar Mini Hoop Earrings, US$45 ; 4. Miansai Thin Screw Cuff Bracelet, US$195 ; 5. Rachel Comey Persea Slingback Sandals, US$345

Once again, you’ll be getting 15% off all Shopbop items, with a min. spend of US$250, when you use your UOB card* by 31 May, using the promo code of: UOBSHOPBOPSG. By now, you should be… well, 100% tempted. Get shopping then!
From now until 31 May, you can also stand a chance to win US$200 worth of vouchers from Shopbop when your most stylish outfits (in one of these themes: workwear chic, dressy date night, girls’ day out) by tagging @mendontgetit on your Instagram post, and using the hashtag #UOBxSHOPBOP! Make sure you’re following them to qualify.
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LG’s Newest Air Purifier is Every Dust Particle’s Worst Enemy

If you don’t count the haze formed by burning Indonesian fires, the air quality in Singapore is actually pretty decent, and that’s something we’re grateful for. Still, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with purifying your breathing air AT HOME as much as possible, because at the end of the day, it’s your lungs taking all the hits.
For that, LG has the SIGNATURE Air Purifier, which is one of the most advanced air purifiers in the market, despite its dreadfully un-innovative name.

Air Purifier_Lifestyle2

Basically, how the SIGNATURE Air Purifier works is that it uses water to filter out the chemicals and contaminants we don’t want breathing in. It also brings humidity to comfortable levels, which is a lifesaver in hot and humid Singapore. Oh, and it can also eject 18 litres of water an hour to wash inhaled air.
But that’s not all. This slick air-cleaning gadget has a function that lets users see the air purification process, which would obviously be impossible with the naked eye, since we’re talking about super-fine dust particles over here.

If anything, watching that dust getting sucked out of the air would give you further peace of mind as to how clean your home’s air now is.
This device may not be as cute as Elodie the Unicorn Diffuser (another of our favourite tech gadgets), but it’s certainly THE ultimate air purifier to own.
It’s not going to come cheap though. The SIGNATURE Air Purifier will cost $2,000 once it’s released later this June. But with a 10-year lifespan and the promise of cleaner air, that’s quite a steal really
For more information, visit www.lg.com/sg.
All images taken from LG.