The NYLON 2024 Last Minute Gift Guide — Blue Monday

The opening lyrics to New Order’s Blue Monday goes “How does it feel? To treat me like you do,” and it’s been debated that this refers to either a partner or drugs (the group’s lead singer, Bernard Sumner admitted to being under the influence of LSD when he wrote the song). Well, let’s make someone’s […]

ErgoTune’s Vesby is the ultimate desk chair that I’ve been waiting for

Finding a suitable desk chair has always been one of the dilemmas I’ve faced since my school days because I have what is deemed a “chicken neck”, which is a bad hyperextended neck position when I sit. Since then, I’ve been on a hunt for a desk chair that could not only give me good […]

Secretlab Launches Harry Potter House SKINS For Your Gaming Chairs

The Wizarding World has looped back into mainstream pop culture again — not that it has ever left, if millennials had a choice — and it’s all thanks to a little role-playing video game called Hogwarts Legacy. Of course, “little” is a severe understatement here. The world, or at least our side of TikTok, has […]