PEDRO and Commune team up to create a limited edition tote bag repurposed from sofa leather

Blending the worlds of fashion and furniture design, fashion brand PEDRO has partnered with local furniture design and lifestyle company Commune to create a limited edition tote bag that is crafted using recycled sofa leather. [CLICK ON THE IMAGES FOR MORE.] Inspired by Commune’s iconic Aviate sofa, PEDRO has repurposed the offset leather from the […]
NYLON x Plaza Singapura Christmas 2023 Gift Guide: Dapper Delights

This one’s for the Kens in your life, both the charming gents and fashion-forward trendsetters who seem to know everything there is to know about a classic, elevated wardrobe; and the sweet but clueless boys who might need some gentle nudging in the right direction. Thing is, we’re not here to judge — only to […]