Beyond The Vines launches new Glazed Poofy Series

As part of the brand’s beloved Poofy collection, Beyond The Vines is introducing a new four-piece lineup on 20 Septemeber that will see a reiteration of the classic favourites but with a textured coated glazed finish.  [CLICK ON THE IMAGES FOR MORE. IMAGES COURTESY OF BEYOND THE VINES.] The pieces will include new finishings to […]

The Minions Go Bananas All Over Kipling’s Latest Lunar New Year Collection

Kipling monkey, meet the Minions. It’s time to say a hearty “bello” to Kevin, Bob, Stuart and all their cheeky friends as they go bananas all over Kipling’s latest series of bags and pouches that ring in the Lunar New Year. Don’t worry though, it’s a good kinda chaos, as this collaboration with Illumination’s beloved […]