Women Inspiring Women — The Home Edition by Dr Chua Yang sheds the spotlight on Mothers and Daughters in Singapore’s Healthcare

Photographs and their stories can be very powerful things, and with Mother’s Day just around the corner, Yang’s book on mothers and daughters working in healthcare together is exactly what we need to see the good around us. Yang, herself is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist working at Mount Alvernia Hospital, and she’s also one of the founding directors of Global Clinic, a non-profit organisation that brings healthcare to under-served communities around the world. Through her medical profession and love for photography (she’s a Leica M user!), her book makes perfect sense; Yang has meticulously taken and curated photographs of mothers and daughters in healthcare, and shares their heart-warming stories to celebrate these women and their families.

Yang has gifted this book to SMA Charity Fund to support medical students with financial needs. It’s a great cause to support, and if you’d like to be part of this, you can donate (and get a book) here: smacf.org.sg/donate-now.

In the meantime, here are some highlights shared by Yang, from her book.

Above: Dr Yasmin Alsagoff and Dr Sharifah Zainah Alsagoff

“Growing up, there was a lack of role models in the form of healthcare professionals in the Arab community, so Ophthalmologist, Dr Sharifah Zainah Alsagoff was really surprised when she got admitted to Medical School. She wanted to be a trailblazer to inspire others within her community to prioritise education and strive towards their own successes. Her daughter, Dr Yasmin Alsagoff, certainly benefitted from having her as a wonderful role model! She has just graduated from Medical School and Sharifah is incredibly proud of her.”

Above: Dr Razia Attaree and Dr Nausheen Edwin Doctor

“Dr Razia Attaree was the first Indian Muslim woman doctor to graduate from the Medical Faculty, University of Singapore in 1969. She retired while she was Head of the National Health Group Polyclinic. Her daughter, Dr Nausheen Edwin Doctor (Razia married someone whose surname is Doctor!) is now an Emergency Physician and shares the same joy and passion for what she does!”

Above: Dr Alyana Aysha Binte Sallim and Dr Balkis Binte Akbar Ali

“Family Physician Dr Balkis Binte Akbar Ali grew up in a big, multigenerational family and her grandfather encouraged all his grandchildren to be healthcare professionals because he believed that would be a great way to do good. She may have passed down the family wisdom as both her children Adnaan and Alyana have also become doctors. Dr Alyana Aysha Binte Sallim is now a Medical Officer.”

Above: Dr Marcia Ng Poh Leng and Dr Rachel Pang

“Dr Marcia Ng Poh Leng grew up in a family of healthcare providers. Her maternal grandfather was a well-loved Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Her three aunties are retired nurses and her younger sister is a doctor. She was drawn from young to this ministry of care, love and hope. She is now a Dental Surgeon who also volunteers at the Assisi Hospice and Mount Alvernia Outreach Dental Clinic, and assists in Palliative care with home visits. Marcia’s daughter, Dr Rachel Pang was accepted to both Medicine and Dentistry. It was then that she felt a calling that prompted her to give up her childhood dream to be a pediatrician and take a leap of faith to study Dentistry. She and her younger brother, Dr Ian Pang, another dentist in the family, now both work with their parents.”

To read more stories and donate to this wonderful cause, follow these steps.
1. visit this link: smacf.org.sg/donate-now
2. Select “INDIVIDUAL” Donation
3. Select your Donation Amount
4. Scroll down to “Donation Dedicated To”
5. Select campaign name “Women Inspiring Women Photobook Fundraiser”
6. Select “Type of Donation” (One-Time Donation)
7. Select “Payment Method” (PAYPAL)
8. Fill in “Donor Information” (For Tax Deduction)
9. Check box “I confirm that I have read, consent & agree to SMACF’s website Personal Data Protection Policy”
10. Select “Proceed to payment”
11. Select “Pay with Credit or Debit Card”



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