Onitsuka Tiger celebrates its 75th Anniversary starting with a collaboration with ASTRO BOY

In 2024, Onitsuka Tiger will celebrate its 75th anniversary; it’ll be a year of special collections starting with this cool collaboration with ASTRO BOY!

The unisex collection includes items featuring the original logo and ASTRO BOY design, created exclusively for this collaboration. There are 43 items in total, including shirts, track suits, skirts, and pants, as well as bags, hats, and iconic footwear models: the MEXICO 66™ SD and DENTIGRE™ PUFF BOOT. Each item will also be presented in a shopping bag and box decorated with ASTRO BOY. See collection pics below and stay tuned to the brand’s website for more info.

[Click on the images to enlarge.]
In Singapore, the onitsuka tiger x astro boy collection launches 12th January 2024. See more at the collection’s special website at onitsukatiger.com.


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